AnyplaceUSB lets you use command-line options to automate the process of sharing USB devices on the server and connecting to them on the client. Command-line options are available for all license types.

AnyplaceUSB commands are the following:

    • add
    • break
    • connect
    • connect_once
    • daemon
    • disconnect
    • explore
    • help
    • loglevel
    • ls
    • register
    • rm
    • share
    • unshare
    • version
    • wait

For an example on how to share and connect to a device using the command-line interface, please see this FAQ.

add <device>

add remote USB port.

break <device>

force disconnect client from local USB port.

connect <device> [password]

connect to remote USB port, reconnect on error.

connect_once <device> [password]

connect to remote USB port, do not reconnect on error.

daemon <reload|stop>

'reload' has the same effect as kill -SIGHUP, 'stop' will terminate the daemon.

disconnect <device>

disconnect from remote USB port.

explore host1 [host2 ...]

list shared USB ports on given host(s).


get or set loglevel of the daemon.

ls <local|shared|remote|net>

list local, shared or remote USB ports on localhost or shared USB ports on network.

rm <device>

delete remote USB device from the list of connected devices on the client.

share tcp_port devname [nickname encrypt compress password]

shares local USB port on given tcp_port

'encrypt' can be number (set if non-zero) or [y|yes|true|encrypt]

'compress' can be number (set if non-zero) or [y|yes|true|compress]

unshare <device> | all

unshare local USB port or all ports


show anyplacec version.


wait for the daemon reply.

Note: anyplaceusbc should be placed into bin catalog: opt/Eltima/eveusb/bin/